Buy Us a Pint Campaign!

Buy us a pint,

So we think the world is made a slightly better place with Finger in the Pie in it. If you agree with us we’d like to ask you to help us keep it that way! We’re asking you to buy us a pint each month…

Well not an actual pint, though that would be nice, but rather donate the price of a pint – £3.50. Just imagine that once a month when you’re buying a round in the pub Finger in the Pie is there with you. You probably wont even notice the donation – but a little bit from a lot of people might just give us the stability we need to move forwards!

And seeing as you brought us a pint – in return we’ll send you out special offers for all our shows, give you access to exclusive downloads and give you a free ticket so you can come down and share a real drink with us at Finger in the Pie Cabaret.

Become our Friend Now!

We suggest a donation of £3.50 – but obviously every little (or lot!) helps so feel free to edit the amount you choose to donate. Whatever it is THANK YOU!