Devising Theatre

Devising Theatre

Devising Theatre

This energetic and physical workshop gives your students the opportunity to experience and explore devising techniques used by Finger in the Pie in development of their own theatre productions. The workshop will provide tools to develop a piece of theatre using techniques such as Lecoq’s ‘Seven Stages of Tension’ and further ideas for students to use in their own devising work.

 The workshop will include a warm-up, theatre games and devising exercises and work towards students collaborating in small groups to devising a short piece. The session will end with reflection, ample time for questions and students can view photographs/video of some of Finger in the Pie’s work using such devising techniques.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Participants will develop their skills in devising through a heightened awareness of physicality

  • Participants will collaborate to create a short devised piece whilst exploring new ways of creating physical performance

  • Participants will increase their knowledge of the devising theatre and find practical ways to incorporate new ideas into their own work

Booking and Fees

The workshop will be facilitated by a company member of Finger in the Pie. All facilitators have experience in working with young people and hold enhanced CRB checks but we do request that tutors are present during the sessions.

All workshops can be developed to fit the needs of your students and timings can be adjusted to fit your timetable. Workshops are available as a two hour or three hour workshop. A three hour workshop provides students with additional exercises and time to develop their ideas further. We also can offer a full day workshop wherein students spend the afternoon session working in small groups to create a five minute devised piece that incorporates music and further character work. Lastly, two workshops (2-2.5 hours) can be booked for one day  students.

Group size must be a minimum of 8 students and a maximum of 28.

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