Appetite Mimetic Vlog 4

Madame JoJo’s Comment

Since launching the Save JoJo’s Petition (please sign it here) we have been inundated with requests for interviews and comments. I’m afraid we just don’t have time to respond to everyone individually. If you represent national press or broadcast media please drop us a line at to arrange an interview. For all other requests please find below […]

Appetite Mimetic Vlog 3

Appetite Mimetic Vlog 2

Appetite Mimetic Fest Vlog 1

Vlog originally recorded for the Mimetic Festival 2014

Finger in the Pie Announce Burlesque for Schools

[This article was posted as Finger in the Pie’s April Fool 2014] We’re really pleased to announce the launch of our latest project – a Burlesque schools tour. Inspired by Shirley Temple’s 1932 screen debut in the Baby Burlesks pictures – Finger in the Pie will be creating a cabaret and burlesque show to tour UK […]

We Should Celebrate London’s Success not Attack It

I woke up this morning to a debate on Radio 4 about whether or not Silicon Roundabout in London really consitiutes a technology hub in the same way as Silicon Valley in California or MIT in Boston. The one thing all sides could agree on was that a hub of specialism in one industry was a […]

Top Five Pies

You don’t spend 10 years running a Pie themed theatre company without forming some pretty strong opinions about Pies. But even back in 2007 we knew what we thought… Alex and Tom’s 2007 pie round-up: 1) Steak Pie At number 1 this isn’t any old steak pie. This is a Scottish pure Aberdeen Angus steak […]

A Few Thoughts on Dyslexia: Beneath the Surface

Beneath the Surface Alexander Parsonage (Age 9) I have blond her, Blue eys and an infeckshos smill. Pealpie tell mum haw gorgus I am and is ent she looky to have me. But under the surface I live in a tumoyl. Words look like swigles and riting storys is a disaster area because of spellings. There […]

Moby Dick Rehearsal Day 5

The fantastic people at the Point have posted an recording via audioboo taken straight from our Friday showing. We also did a little audio interview for their Blog – here’s some of what was said: audioboo. “It’s really exciting and lovely to go into a rehearsal room and wonder how they’re going to be!” Helen, Finger in the Pie […]