Moby Dick Rehearsals Day 4

Day 4. It’s our second to last day at the wonderful Point Theatre in Eastleigh. It’s going to be really sad to go. We’ve had a lovely time. It’s amazing how much more work you get done when you’re in residency. Following on from my long term bug bare about the English obsession with putting in hours for the sake of it, and the fact that the middle of the afternoon is always a dead time – we’ve been running a slightly unusual schedule. We’ve been starting at 9 till 1, but then taking a 2 and half hour lunch break and then running an afternoon session from 3:30 to 7. You’d be amazed at how much more you can get done if you have a siesta in the middle. Sadly though next week we’re back to London and the trials the daily commute.

Today we’ve been exploring the epic nature of the text….

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  1. Moby Dick says

    i am loving this. I can really see where are you going! epic!

    we will explore vocal tricks and albanian style soon.

  2. Moby Dick says

    i was Fernando, by the way

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