Moby Dick R&D 2015

  Seagull of The Land Under Waves Roll The Old Chariot Along with body percussion Seagull of The Land Under Waves with text from Moby Dick read by Oliver Izod Calvary.C.M  Sacred Harp Trad. Musical Directors: Saskia Solomons Domenico Trombetti Participants: Sonya Cullingford Philippa Hambly Oliver Izod Alexander Luttley Charmaine Wombwell Robin Yorke Photographer: Flavia Fraser-Cannon

MEET – Kim Scopes

Name Kim Scopes First question – why puppetry? Puppetry is able to express the aspects and shadows of humanity that the human isn’t able to. It’s a whole new level of engagement for both the audience and the performer, and it’s great to see that the idea that puppetry can be for adults is becoming […]

Pick of the Fringe!

Where better to be in August than at the Edinburgh Fringe? If you’re one of the thousands making this trip next month, make room in your schedule for the Finger in the Pie Top 10! From the Artistic Director to the intern, we know what’s hot this summer. 1. Citizen Puppet Blind Summit Theatre – Pleasance […]

MEET – Michael Twaits

Name  Michael Twaits Stage Name Michael Twaits (usually in a dress) How Long you have been involved with Finger in the Pie It’s coming up for three years I’ve been the host of Finger In The Pie Cabaret, but a few years before that I did some of my first cabaret gigs in town as an act for the Finger In The Pie! What got you into the cabaret scene?  I come […]

MEET – Emily Flynn

Name: Emily Flynn Stage Name: Little Lady Luscious How Long you have been involved with Finger in the Pie: On and off since 2012 What got you into the cabaret scene? I began learning burlesque in New Zealand. I went to see a few burlesque shows there and prefered a show when it had some […]

Finger in the Pie’s New Resident Company and Artist.

We are delighted to announce our first Resident Company will be FAMILIA DE LA NOCHE and our first Resident Artist is GINGER BLUSH. Both will be taking desks in our office and mentored under our wing for the next few months as they realise their next projects. More info on both soon…

Artists In Residence – Call for Expressions of Interest

This Summer Finger in the Pie will be launching an Artists in Residence Scheme to their existing work with supported artists. This will give us the opportunity to offer support and mentoring as well as desk space and resources within our vibrant offices in Theatre Delicatessen Farringdon. There will be a maximum of three resident artists / […]

Finger in the Pie Cabaret Returns!

Finger in the Pie is pleased to announce 3 new cabaret nights at various London venues, all launching in the next 4 weeks: Cabaret of the Century at the Century Club in Soho, the Finger in the Pie Cabaret Showcase at the Royal Vauxhall Tavern in Vauxhall, and Cabaphonic at Earl Haig Hall in Crouch […]

MEET: Pi the Mime

Name:  Alexander Luttley Stage Name:  Pi The Mime (or Seren Adieu) How Long you have been involved with Finger in the Pie? Since Pi was born at Mimetic in July 2013. What got you into the cabaret scene? Part of Pi’s show introduces Mimi the mime, a burlesque character. After seeing the show (Un Cas […]

Buy Us A Pint Campaign Launch

So we think the world is made a slightly better place with Finger in the Pie in it. If you agree with us we’d like to ask you to help us keep it that way! We’re asking you to buy us a pint each month. Well not an actual pint, though that would be nice, […]